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Our Team

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Griet Vankeerberghen

Professor at the Department of History and Classical Studies,
McGill University

She has published on several Western Han texts and their social, political and material contexts, including the Huainanzi, Shiji, and the Four Lost Classics. She teaches a wide variety of courses on early and medieval China, on the Chinese family, and on Confucius.

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Raja Sengupta

Professor at the Department of Geography & School of
Environment, McGill University

His research interests center on Geographic Information Science, with a focus on Agent-Based Models (ABMs), and in the computational aspects surrounding the implementation of these models to understand both social and technology related issues.

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Current Team Members
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Simon Arts

Web Developer (Interative Map)
BA in Computer Science & Geography

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Yanbing Chen 陈彦冰

Storymap Developer, ABM Model
BA in Geography & Economics

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Frank Xuanyun Gong 龔鉉雲

Project Manager, Database Construction & Maintenance
MA in History & Classical Studies

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Jenny Park

Historical Map Digitization
BA in Geography

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Bryan Qiu
Historical Date Compiling
BA in Religious Studies & History
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Keyu Wang

Web Developer (Project Website)
BSc in Computer Science & GIS

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Ruoxuan Wen

Historical Data & Geographical Boundary Change Documenting
PhD in History

Former Team Members
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Azwar Ali

Time Slider Developer
BA&Sc in Computer Science & Economics

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Jiahua Chen

Timer Slider Developer, Data Cleaning, Map Digitization
BS in Environmental Science + GIS

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Clara Fere

Western Han River Digitization
MSc in Geography

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Jing Rao

ABM Model, Least-Cost Path Analysis
MSc in Geography

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Duo Zhang

RL-based ABM Model
PhD in Geography

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Special Thanks To
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Calvin Yeh
(IT Architect @ MPIWG)